How to choose the right drinking cup for your toddler?

If your child struggles to drink from a cup, consider a 360° training cup with a silicone rim, which only releases liquid with a sucking motion. This aids the transition from a spouted bottle to a cup, reducing spills. Additionally, there’s an eco-friendly CPLA version with a leak-proof, easy-to-operate cap and replaceable silicone straws. Both cups are dishwasher-safe.

Environmentally friendly toys for babies from Bo Jungle


Bo Jungle offers many environmentally friendly toys made of silicone. These are thus all biodegradable and better for the environment. Silicone is one of the most useful elements to mankind. It has applications in a wide range of sectors and will play a crucial role in modern society for generations to come. Are silicone toys […]

The advantages of a baby swing.

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Why opt for a baby swing? Most parents agree that a baby swing can be good and a lifesaver when it comes to soothing and calming their little ones. Of course, each baby has its own unique preferences so it’s not always possible to know in advance whether your baby will love it. Your to-do […]